Mark and Summer Howard
The Griffin Legends

Mark Howard
I’m thrilled you’re here, about to go on this crusade with me. It’s been a long pilgrimage already, writing this book. It started as a few short scenes I typed out during my freshman year of college when I probably should have been studying. Looking back on it, the first draft wasn’t exactly what I would call good now. I spent the rest of my undergraduate chasing girls, playing video games, and wondering why my grades weren’t better.
I had this story in the back of my mind, but I wasn’t sure how I wanted to change it in the second draft, so I kept putting it off. In 2014, I had my bachelor’s, and I decided to start writing again in earnest. There were only two problems. I now had a wife and a small baby to provide for, and I also decided to pursue a master’s degree at this time. This, and that I scrapped most of the ideas from the first draft outside of a couple of characters and the setting, meant that the next draft took another five years to complete. I think the work in front of you is much more mature thanks to my experiences in the interim. My master’s degree gave me a much greater depth of historical and literary knowledge to draw inspiration from, and my time as a husband and father working through grad school broadened my personal experiences enough to give my characters the depth they deserved.
I’ve always wanted to be an author. My wife shares in this ambition for herself, and we intend to make this book the first in several series of books set in this world we’ve created. If you enjoy what you read, please post a good review online. That will help us bring more books to you, and in a more timely manner. Thanks!

Summer Howard
I have always loved reading, living the lives of the characters in the books as the words unfolded their destinies. Delving into the lives of heroes and heroines, young and old, seeing good verses evil was a way of living for me. There are so many worlds to see. I am grateful that you have chosen to enter our world with us and take a journey with our characters.
A teacher in early elementary school ignited my desire to write. As with all children, my writing wasn't very good. I kept at it though, and my writing has improved by leaps and bounds since then. The idea for my first book came to me when I was in high school. I wrote the first draft of a chapter for an assignment in a creative writing class. Time has changed the story since then. While I have kept some of the ideas, much has changed as well.
A lot has happened in my life since that first idea. I married the man of my dreams. Had children. Got my bachelor's when my oldest was a year old. There have been ups and downs. Through it all the idea for my book has persisted, though like I stated earlier the story has morphed and grown from what it once was.
I am so glad that I was able to find a spouse that shares my ambition to write. I can't wait to finish my book and share it with you.